Let your AI assistant manage routine calls and appointments so you can focus on growing your business. No interruptions, no stress—just seamless, reliable support 24/7.
Your business doesn’t stop when you step away. Virtual Reception ensures you’re covered 24/7, answering calls and capturing messages so you never miss a beat.
Our AI Receptionist works with most existing systems to book appointments, collect information, and send confirmation texts—all without breaking a sweat.
Most callers hang up when they hit voicemail. VirtualReception answers every call, addresses questions, and delivers messages to you instantly—no missed opportunities.
Simply provide your Google Business Profile or website URL, and we'll take it from there! Our system will automatically generate an FAQ and gather details about your products and services to get your receptionist ready to go.
Try out your new Receptionist right from your browser or set up a dedicated phone number to hear it in action!
Take your Receptionist to the next level! Integrate with an appointment booking system, customize the welcome message, change the voice, set the tone, and much more to make it uniquely yours.
Easily set up call forwarding to let your new Receptionist handle calls whenever you need..
We’ve got it covered! You’ll receive email and/or text notifications whenever a call comes in, complete with a brief summary. Plus, all transcripts and recordings are securely saved for your review anytime.
Yes, your first 30 minutes are free
Plans start at $49 and includes 250 minutes per month.
Yes, voicemail and appointment booking are both supported.
Nope, everything works through your browser.
Nope, no programming skills needed. Our team can help you get setup with your first AI Receptionist.
Yes! You can add as many teammates you'd like and our AI can transfer to someone on your team when necessary. The AI can even detect emotion and offer to transfer to a human.
We will create a phone number for you, and then you can forward your calls to your new number.
Yes, all transcripts and recordings are saved.
50 Minutes / Month
1 Receptionist
SMS & Email Notifications
250 Minutes / Month
1 Receptionist
Answering Service
Book Appointments
Outbound Calls
Custom CRM Integrations
Unlimited Receptionists
Unlimited Users
50 free minutes
No credit card